List of Pages

Functionalities and design settings work as described in Storyblok. The following noteworthy behaviours exist:


Typically a Parent should be selected to limit the list of pages. The main use case of this component is to show child-pages on an overview-page, like


In this case the Depth can get selected as well, allowing the list to display children from the specified number of folder-levels deep.


It is recommended to sort the stories itself in the order, in which they should appear in page lists and menus. This sorting is used by default by the List of Pages, but can also get changed to alphabetical sorting.

Show Tagline

Shows the following fields, if they exists, in the following priority:

  • Tagline for Navigation (tagline_nav)

  • Tagline (tagline)

For Case Studies the tagline gets prefixed with “Case Study: “.